Upcoming and Past Events
Chamber Music at St. Andrews
Sunday, February 5, 2023
World Premiere of Scarecrows for cello and piano featuring cellist Durwynne Hsieh and pianist/composer Nancy Bachmann. Also on the program are a new work by Hsieh, Clarinet Trios, Beethoven Op. 127 and Franck Violin Sonata. Freewill donations directly benefit Hope Solutions and its mission to provide permanent, affordable housing for homeless and at-risk families.

The Opus Project Presents Opus 95
Saturday, Sept 24, 2022
The Opus Project Presents Opus 95: The 95th compositions by various composers from the Baroque to Present, including a performance of the Rondo from Nancy Bachmann’s “Sonata 2020 for Piano Solo” with the composer at the piano.
Recording My Debut Album
I am thrilled to announce the upcoming release of my full-length album, “Wild Swans – Music of Nancy Bachmann” played by Diane Maltester and Friends. Compositions include combinations with soprano, piano, harp, woodwind trio and woodwind quintet as well as unaccompanied clarinet solos.
“Music flows from the imagination of the composer, through the re-imagining of the performer to spark the imagination of the listener. All three persons of this trinity are required for music’s very existence..”
— N.B.